Best Intermittent FastingTips :Ways for Better Health

  Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting refers to intake plans that alternate between fasting and feeding periods. This method can be useful if done with proper guidance for the beginners and taken care of for all macros and needs for the full function of the body structure. Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan There are many approaches to intermittent fasting, however, the simplest to attain is maybe the one that merely extends the standard nighttime fast. A daily cycle of 16-hour quick followed by an 8-hour intake window is typically properly. For intermittent fasting to be safe and effective, it should be combined with balanced meals that give good nutrition. It's vital to remain hydrated and understand your physical limits whereas fasting. The quick should be broken slowly. overeating once fast, particularly of unhealthy foods, should be avoided. Intermittent Fasting Benefits For working on intermittent fasting, the goal is to consistently starve the body long enough to trigger f

Muscular Endurance:Excercises With Benefits


Muscular Endurance: Benefits

Muscular Endurance: Benefits

muscular endurance is the ability to repeatedly contract your muscles at a submaximal level for either many repetitions or to hold a contraction for a long period of time.

This should be remembered that muscular endurance is different from muscular strength which is the need to contract your muscles and maximally for a single repetition.

Muscle Endurance Exercises

Muscular Endurance refers to the ability of a group or all of your body's muscles to perform a vigorous activity over a long period of time for example a plank exercising the session that lasts several minutes and thus requires a great deal of leg muscle strength, similarly a rowing workout and a solid pace will focus more on your arm and back muscles both of these scenarios are great examples of muscular endurance activities.

And continuous practice at activities like running, cycling, rowing, etc  starting at moderate levels and increasing to vigorous levels in future workouts will train our muscles to be able to do more each time we do dedication like this will result in a person who has a high level of muscular endurance.

Muscle Endurance Test

Muscle Endurance Test

Muscular endurance is the ability of your body by its heart and lungs and blood supply to allow you to continue to do activity for a long period of time and lack of all body activity but if you think about what the muscles are doing like when you run or ride the bike, your muscles have to have good most can endurance to contract during that overall aerobic or cardiovascular exercise session.

Some of the testing techniques for muscular endurance include :

  •  Push-ups/ Partial Push Up/Curl up
  •  One minute time sit-ups
  •  Bench press test

There are  different test  assessment techniques that help to assess an individual's muscular endurance which is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to perform repeated contractions against a light submaximal load for an extended period.

These following tests are commonly used on a regular basis assessment techniques are dependent on the individual's physical activity and history.

Different endurance test focus on certain muscle groups making it important to select appropriate methods that are related to the proper testing results.

I. Push-ups/ Partial Push Up/Curl up: For testing Muscular Endurance

Start in an upright position a complete push-up is when the participant's chin touches the floor or mat and then reaches the starting position some of the cues include a participant's back must remain flat and their abdominal region cannot touch the ground for scoring you basically count the number of push-ups performed consecutively without rest or cannot or cannot maintain proper form.

 In the modified push-up or Partial push-ups the hands are shoulder-width apart the back is flat and the knees and feet are in contact with the ground for the standard push-up, the back is flat the hands are shoulder-width apart but only the feet are in contact with the ground people with good body endurance and mobility would generally be able to perform 22 reps in a row and for example, if the participant ages between 20 and 29 years old then the results may fall in between 40th and 50th percentile when errors for the push-up include elbows flaring out or arch back or butt sticking up tends to limit range of motion incorrect hand placement so might be too wide or too narrow will not be the proper form.

For the partial curl up test materials needed would be a clean mat which is optional again you need two strips of tape a metronome for cadence and to set it up you have to position in a supine position on the mat with their knees bent at 90 degrees and their feet flat on the ground and  arms are positioned down the side of their body with resting on the mat with palms down,.

Some of the key points for the personal curl up test include your feet must stay flat on the ground and you not to  anchor down your feet and your fingertips must touch the second piece of tape, the participant is to perform a curl ups at a cadence of 50 beats per minute until the participant can no longer maintain the correct cadence or proper technique for scoring basically count the number of partial curl-ups completed.

II. One minute Bent time sit-upsFor testing Muscular Endurance

For the sit-up test basically, the participant lies in a supine position with knees bent at the shoulder width apart participant positions hand at the side of their head with fingers over their ears, this position must stay maintained during the test a helper or a friend can hold the feet and keep them to the ground

Some of the key points with one minute bent knee setup include participants try to do as many sit-ups as possible in a minute a full setup is when both participant's elbows touch both knees and return to the starting position with shoulder contacting the floor form and proper technique must always be maintained  with no rocking no bouncing and your butt must always stay in contact with the ground for scoring better.

In the one minute bent knee sit-up tests include using momentum repetitions are not controlled elbows do not touch the knees your butt comes off the floor limited range of motion and pulling on your neck you might use the one-minute setup test over the partial curl-up test when you do not have access to the materials required for the partial curl-up test.

And  also the setup test should be done by individuals who can complete the full range of motion of a sit-up whereas the partial curl-up test should be used when individuals cannot complete a full setup for the standard load.

III Bench press test: For testing Muscular Endurance

For a  bench, press test materials needed would be a bench press rack with a few-pound barbell.

In performing this test you want to lie flat on the bench with feet flat on the floor grip the barbell with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Some key points for the bench press test include lying supine with back flat on the bench and feet on the floor starts with a barbell on the chest when you are ready they can push up to the sound of the beat and come back down when there is another beep push up bar until your arms are fully extended lower the weight to contact the upper chest breathe in on the eccentric phase and breathe out on the concentric phase.

If you are in the age the range between 26 to 35 years category good 18-20 repetition with proper form is count better.

Some of the  common errors for the bench press tests include an arched back, butts coming off the bench, and limited range of motion or elbows flaring out using momentum and also bouncing the bar off the chest and wrist is not stacked on top of the elbow so when might you do the bench test instead of a push-up test for some individuals the push-up test may be too challenging and they are not able to push their push up their body weight the weight of the bar maybe easier for the individuals to push.

Muscle Endurance Vs Muscle Hypertrophy

Muscle Endurance Vs Muscle Hypertrophy

Muscle endurance helps in gaining the size of the muscle group one indivisual is concentrating with whereas hypertrophy will help n strengthening the muscle by continues doing the same amount of weighted exercising but with increasing weights as and when can be dealt with by the indivisual.

ViewPoint :

Muscle Endurance will be the most important subject to look after when it comes to any sport especially weightlifting and bodybuilding, hence it should be considered as the basic go-to momentum for any athlete or beginner to improve and master.

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FAQ: Muscular Endurance

Q. What are examples of endurance activities?

A. There can be more than a few examples for the endurance activities, some of them can be as below

  • Brisk Walking
  • Jogging
  • Plank
  • Sit-Ups
  • Mountain Climbing

Q. What is muscular endurance and why is it important?

A. Muscular Endurance is a capacity of a body for repeatedly doing the exercise or in case of repetition for the exercise as result helps in increasing the muscle density and the longevity.

Q.What are 2 examples of muscular endurance?

A. There can be more than just 2 examples, still below can be considered as muscular endurance.

  •      Plank
  •      Situps



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